The pandemic has meant a lot of Australian's have lost their jobs and face uncertainty, including financial hardship. Food security and access to fresh fruit & vegetables is very important during this time.
At Perfection Fresh we wanted to contribute to OzHarvest's Here for Hope campaign in order to help ensure food security for thousands of Australians. The campaign came about as a response to the increased demand for food relief from the effects of the COVID-19 crisis and the tail end of the devastating bush-fire season experienced this last Summer.
A video series including some of Australia's favourite Chefs aims to inspire healthy home-cooked recipes and to highlight the importance of reconnecting with friends and family to ensure they are doing well during these isolating and challenging times.
COVID-19 has seen many Australians seeking food aid with the full impacts on food security forecasted to increase.
“We’ve estimated a 200% spike in demand for food relief at our front line sites and charities, with many new faces such as international students, temporary visa holders, young families, and hospitality workers coming forward for assistance,” said Ashley.
Perfection Fresh CEO Michael Simonetta has committed to continue to support OzHarvest beyond these campaign initiatives to help ensure all Australians food needs are supported.
OzHarvest needs help to feed the millions of Australians going hungry right now. Every $1 will provide 2 meals.
Find out how you can help support OzHarvest support Australians.


We're teaming up with OzHarvest for food relief #HereForHope
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