13 January 2023
Perfection Fresh Statement: Baby cucumbers linked to salmonella cases in Western Australia
On December 23rd Perfection Fresh was notified by Western Australia Department of Health that 20 people had become unwell, after a common factor emerged in that these people reported consuming baby cucumbers within the previous 7 days. The illness onset dates ranged from 22nd November 2022 – 10th December 2022.
After investigations conducted by WA Health, on December 30th the strain of salmonella was identified in a single pack of baby cucumbers purchased from a Perth metropolitan supermarket on December 23.
Subsequent additional product testing conducted by WA Health has not returned any positive results for salmonella to our knowledge.
This relates to Qukes baby cucumber products with the best before date 24/12/2022.
Since Initial Notification of a Potential Issue
Perfection Fresh is taking this situation extremely seriously and have already commenced a thorough investigation to ensure safety of the baby cucumbers product. Since that detection they have worked with WA Health to conduct further tests of product and of production sites and have completed 40 separate test results that were all negative for salmonella. This includes testing of retention samples from the same batch with a best before date of 24/12, also negative.
Perfection Fresh Chief Technical Officer, Andrew Redman said: “We commenced an immediate and thorough investigation to try and identify any potential sources of contamination that may have compromised baby cucumbers. Initial investigations into current systems and practices on our production sites did not identify any potential sources of contamination.”
Perfection’s food safety and quality teams have reviewed existing processes to confirm all the correct systems are in place and being adhered to. In addition, they have increased routine product and environmental testing for salmonella.
Andrew Redman said: “As a precautionary measure we have implemented increased sanitation measures and comprehensive testing of baby cucumbers to reassure consumers that baby cucumbers remain a safe, delicious and nutritious product to eat. In all testing we, and 3rd parties, have undertaken since this issue emerged we have not been able to detect salmonella in any sample or within our facility.
“We will continue with comprehensive testing of all baby cucumbers for the foreseeable future to ensure the safety of our consumers.”
“We have a long and proud history of growing and supplying high quality baby cucumbers for Australian consumers without any history of any food safety incidents” said Andrew Redman.
Perfection Fresh is continuing to work with all Health Departments and FSANZ Food Incident Forum and urge the public to follow their advice.
A full investigation is underway to determine the source including the full supply chain.
Outside Western Australia
No cases have been identified outside Western Australia.
Perfection Fresh reminds all consumers to continue to wash all fresh produce prior to consumption.
Media Contact: Luke Gibson 0428 003 349


Perfection Fresh Baby Cucumbers Response
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