The Produce


From the farm to you, all the inside news and updates as well as delicious recipes using the best Aussie produce.

      Product News Food Safety & Nutrition

      5 ways to supercharge your well-being with Fruit and Vegetables

      Today, more than ever we are working harder to balance work and home and sometimes we compromise our well-being. But we ...

      11 August '23


      Berry growers and agronomists – Our perfect produce experts

      At Perfection Fresh, growing our fresh produce relies significantly on the collaboration between growers and ...

      24 July '23

      Product News Cooking

      Sauteed Broccolini - Step by Step

      Learn the BEST way to Saute Broccolini®. Sauteed Broccolini® is a great side to your weeknight dinner meal – serve it ...

      19 July '23

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      Sustainability Cooking

      Discover the goodness of sustainable cooking with in-season fresh produce

      The goodness of eating well always starts with shopping well. Over time, we have been taught the 5:2rule and the ...

      13 July '23


      More choice for you with new Little Gem® and Havana™ Bananas.

      The arrival and gradual spread of the soil-borne fungal disease Panama TR4 is beginning to have an impact on the banana ...

      03 July '23

      Product News Cooking

      Warming Perfection Raspberry Desserts To Treat Yourself At Home

      In season and in abundance, Perfection Raspberries are at their best this winter- sweet, big and bright. Stay in this ...

      21 June '23

      Product News Food Safety & Nutrition

      Celebrate Cucumber Day: We love our Qukes® to snack anytime.

      To celebrate International Cucumber Day, we take a #perfectionfreshmoment to honour this incredible vegetable and ...

      14 June '23

      Sustainability Farming

      Sustainable Farming Methods and Controlled Environment Agriculture – working together with Nature

      There is so much talk around the idea of Sustainable Farming methods; glasshouse, ecological, organic, Ecoganic®, ...

      25 May '23