It’s much more compelling and inspiring to have a vision to head towards, full of hope and possibility, rather than an image of poor health and negative thoughts chasing behind you. That’s a reason why setting goals that imagine your healthiest possible future can help you jump out of bed in the morning and keep you on track all day.
We’re going to take you through a vision setting exercise where you imagine living life as the healthiest version of you. We suggest you have a pen and paper handy to answer the questions below.
Imagine it is 6 months in the future and you have achieved your health goals. Picture yourself living this life and take note of the following things:
- How do you look? Describe your appearance, (if you’re eating Calypso® Mangoes everyday, take note of your glow of vitality!)
- How do you feel? How much energy do you have? What is your mood like? (Calypso® mangoes give you a boost of Vitamin C for healthy immune function to be your best)
- What is the experience of living this life? Are there things you can do in this future that you can’t do now? (Calypso® mangoes make every day more delicious )
- What else is different and better in this future?
You can turn this vision into an inspiring vision statement and put it on your bathroom mirror, on the fridge, save it as a note on you phone or on your computer, where ever you can see it and read it a few times a day
Here’s a vision statement we prepared earlier.
I am living my healthiest life, committed to healthy eating and caring for myself from the inside out, ensuring I have Calypso® mangoes every day. I am full of energy and bounce out of bed in the morning. My meals are fresh and vibrant, with naturally nutrient rich Calypso® mangoes. I look forward to my Calypso® mango and spinach smoothie bowl each morning, I eat a delicious lunch Calypso® mango and haloumi salad for lunch and a light, healthy dinner. I do yoga twice a week and walk in nature 5 times a week. I am calm and present with my family, we laugh often and enjoy our time together. I can’t believe how much healthier my skin looks and how great I feel! I know I am looking after myself and I am proud that I am sticking to my health goals with Calypso® mangoes.
You can also turn your vision into a mood board with images (of amazing meals using Calypso® mangoes), quotes, words and photographs that make you feel positive, inspired and connect you to this exciting future. Keep it somewhere you can look at it in the morning and evening.
Including Calypso® mangoes in your health goals and keeping your vision statement or vision board in sight keeps your health goals top of mind. You’ll find temptations so much easier to overcome with a clear vision of a healthy future pulling you towards your goal, and healthy vibrant Calypso® Mangoes in the fruit bowl.


Make Super Fruits Part of your Healthy Future!
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