There’s no doubt we’re in the middle of a monumental year in Australia – bushfires, COVID-19, ongoing drought, floods… All around us are events and situations that are challenging us in harsh and unexpected ways.
One thing that we can focus on at this time, and it’s crucial, is our health. It’s never been more important to make sure we’re eating foods packed with the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to keep us strong. Research shows that eating a wide variety of nutritious foods can protect our immune system and can also reduce our anxiety.
At Perfection Fresh, we’ve been encouraging our people to do just that – eat well from a range of vegetables and fruits. This isn’t always easy for us, even if we work here surrounded by the best nature has to offer, but it’s manageable, mostly through the discipline of planning and scheduling meals.
We are seeing the very best in winter vegetables – including Broccolini® and its cauliflower cousin, Fioretto® – which are delicious whether they’re steamed, roasted or sauteed. If you’re braving the chilly outdoors, think about BBQing them – it brings out the nutty flavour that’s unique to these vegetables. I’m also loving fennel, the aniseed taste is pure winter…and particularly good with fish.
On the fruit front, our raspberries are absolutely delicious as are our blueberries and strawberries – we source them from our own farms and other growers in Queensland. Eat them fresh or cooked – they’re sweet yet tangy mini flavour bombs, and as a bonus, are high in antioxidants, including vitamin C.
Perfection Blueberries at our Queensland farm
Our team has been busy sourcing recipes to make the most of the fresh produce in your local supermarkets or grocer. A meal that’s quick and easy to make (perfect for a weeknight meal) is our Garlic Butter Fioretto® and Prawns. Creative cook and author Leah Itsines created a recipe for us Cheesy Broccolini® - again, quick and easy, without a lot of washing up.
For dessert, try the lovely French Perfection raspberry custard tart – just perfect for a chilly winter evening – or our Raspberries with macadamia shortbread.
For a comforting winter brunch on a weekend, make our Perfection berry fresh toast waffles. They take a little time to prepare but are well worth the effort, and cooking is an excellent opportunity to experience mindfulness. Your mind is on the task and not on the worries of the world. Another recipe that goes a long way is the One Bowl Perfection Berry Breakfast Loaf. Eat it warm or at room temperature, plus you can slice it and freeze it for a day when you need a boost.
Whatever you choose, make it worthwhile, for the sake of your health and wellbeing.
Stay well until next time.


CEO Update - The healing power of food
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