
Guide to Selecting the Right Tomato for Every Occasion

March 19, 2025

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We've broken down our various tomato varieties by their best occasions to make it easier at your next shop and ensure you get the best ingredient each time. Size, taste and texture are just a few things that makes each tomato experience different. 

Lifestyle_LR_Mixamato_Working Lunch_2023_04

Tomatoes can be used for entertaining, snacking at home and on the go. They also make a healthy breakfast, a tasty lunch at home or work, and a laid back or formal dinner.

Here are the best uses for tomatoes:

1. Snacking

2. Tossing

3. Slicing

4. Cooking



A good source of Vitamin C, these bite sized tomatoes make the perfect healthy and fresh snack. Quick preparation and convenience make these a great alternative to processed snacking. 

Snacking tomatoes make the perfect addition to a lunch box or a quick and easy snack while you work from home. Our Mix-a-Mato tomatoes even come pre-packed with salt and olive oil to create a tasty on the go snack!

Our perfect snacking tomatoes are Mix-a-Mato®, Ruby Burst®Petite Tomatoes. 

Produce_LR_Mixamato_200g_2Druby burst packagingProduce_LR_Petite Tomatoes 200g_2D-2     

Our favourite snacking recipes:

After School Snack Board with Fruits and Vegetables (featuring Petite Tomatoes)

Recipe_LR_Qukes_After School Snack with Fruit and Vegetables_2023

Mix-a-Mato® Skewer Snack Attack

Recipe_LR_Mixamato_Skewer Snack Attack_2022_01


Whether entirely tomato based or added with other produce, tomatoes are the sensational ingredient that makes a salad. Glasshouse grown, our mouth-watering tomato picks for the perfect salad toss include a medley of red, yellow, brown and orange tomatoes that range from super sweet to seep and rich in colour.

Our tossing tomatoes could be used to wow your guests while entertaining. Alternatively, they make the perfect addition to any lunch box or working from home lunch time salad.

Our perfect tossing tomatoes are Mix-a-Mato®, Romatherapy® Baby Roma TomatoesPetite Tomatoes™  &  Kumato® Tomatoes

Produce_LR_Mixamato_200g_2DProduce_LR_Petite Tomatoes 200g_2D-2

Produce_LR_Romatherapy 250g_2D_FrontProduce_LR_Kumato 500g_2D_Front

Our Favourite Tomato Salads:

Smoked Salmon and Prawns Wreath Salad


Kumato®  Insalata Caprese Salad

Recipe_LR_Kumato_Kumato Insalata Caprese Salad_2022_02

Mix-A-Mato® Smoked Salmon Bagel Salad

Recipe_WR_Mixamato_Mixamato and Smoked Salmon Bagel Salad_2022_08


Semi-Dried Kumato® Salad

Recipe_LR_Kumato_Semi Dried Kumato Tomato Salad_2022_03


Firm, large and full of favour, our range of slicing tomatoes are the perfect addition to a sandwich or burger. Kumato® Tomato's deep brown skin and firm juicy flesh are a crowd pleaser that make any sandwich that bit more impressive .

Other options include Truss Tomatoes and Monterosa® Tomatoes. Our slicing tomatoes are also great for a tasty breakfast, a home-made bruschetta, or an entertaining tomato tart. 

Our perfect slicing tomatoes are Kumato® Tomatoes, Monterosa® Tomatoes & Truss Tomatoes 

Produce_LR_Kumato 500g_2D_FrontProduce_LR_Monte Rosa_loose_red Perfection Fresh Truss Tomatoes

Our favourite sliced tomato recipes:

Open Face Kumato®  Steak Sandwich

Recipe_LR_Kumato_Open Kumato Steak Sandwich_2022_04

Monterosa® Tomato Tart with Olive Haloumi Pastry

Recipe_LR_Mixamato_Monterosa_Tomato Tart with Olive Haloumi Pastry_2023_04

Kumato® Bruschetta with Sourdough

Recipe_LR_Kumato_Kumato Tomato Bruschetta with Sourdough_2023_01


Our variety picks for cooking are delicious when eaten raw but provide an entirely different eating experience as their flavour intensifies during cooking. From roasting, to sautéing, sauces to BBQ’s, tomatoes bring any dish together.

Our cooking tomatoes are great for entertaining guests, a fun date night dinner, a summer BBQ, or a cosy winter dinner. If you have leftovers, eat them for lunch at home or at work the following day!

Our perfect cooking tomatoes are Mix-a-Mato® Tomatoes, Kumato® Tomatoes, Romatherapy® Baby Roma Tomatoes & Monterosa® Tomatoes

Produce_LR_Mixamato_200g_2DProduce_LR_Kumato 500g_2D_FrontProduce_LR_Romatherapy 250g_2D_FrontProduce_LR_Monte Rosa_loose_red

Our favourite cooked tomato recipes:

Oven-Baked Salmon with Mix-a-Mato® Tomatoes

Recipe_LR_Mixamato_Oven Baked Salmon with Mixamato Tomatoes_2023_04

Roast Beef Fillet with Kumato® Tomato Salsa Criolla

Recipe_LR_Kumato_Roast Beef Fillet with Kumato Tomato Salsa Criolla_2023_05

Cooked Monterosa® Tomato & Peach Salad with Palm Sugar Dressing

Recipe_LR_Monte Rosa Heirloom Tomatoes_Monte Rosa and Peach Salad_2022_02


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Guide to Selecting the Right Tomato for Every Occasion

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Guide to Selecting the Right Tomato for Every Occasion

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