Ingredients List
Serves 4 people
[{id=48447116049, createdAt=1622994937083, 1='{type=string, value=Roasted Italian Vegetables with Oregano and Minted Lamb}', 2='{type=string, value=1 1 bunch,chopped in half if large}', 3='{type=string, value=1 cut into thick slices}', 4='{type=string, value=2 baby fennel bulbs cut into thin wedges}', 5='{type=string, value=1 bulb garlic cloves separated, skin left on}', 6='{type=string, value=2 Lebanese eggplant cut into chunks}', 7='{type=string, value=3 zucchini cut into chunks}', 8='{type=string, value=2 tbsp oregano freshly chopped}', 9='{type=string, value=80 ml olive oil }', 10='{type=string, value=1/4 tsp Salt and pepper, to taste }', 11='{type=string, value=2 kg leg of lamb }', 12='{type=string, value=1 clove garlic chopped}', 13='{type=string, value=80 ml olive oil}', 14='{type=string, value=1 1/2 tbsp fresh oregano}', 15='{type=string, value=2 1/2 tbsp fresh mint chopped}', 16='{type=string, value=1/4 tsp Salt and pepper, to taste}'}]
ingredient_1=1 1 bunch,chopped in half if large
ingredient_10=2 kg leg of lamb
ingredient_11=1 clove garlic chopped
ingredient_12=80 ml olive oil
ingredient_13=1 1/2 tbsp fresh oregano
ingredient_14=2 1/2 tbsp fresh mint chopped
ingredient_15=1/4 tsp Salt and pepper, to taste
ingredient_2=1 cut into thick slices
ingredient_3=2 baby fennel bulbs cut into thin wedges
ingredient_4=1 bulb garlic cloves separated, skin left on
ingredient_5=2 Lebanese eggplant cut into chunks
ingredient_6=3 zucchini cut into chunks
ingredient_7=2 tbsp oregano freshly chopped
ingredient_8=80 ml olive oil
ingredient_9=1/4 tsp Salt and pepper, to taste
name=Roasted Italian Vegetables with Oregano and Minted Lamb
[{group=UNSET, ingredient=0}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1716334868540}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=0}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=false}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1733717937898}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=26041195}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1 1 bunch,chopped in half if large}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1 cut into thick slices}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=2 baby fennel bulbs cut into thin wedges}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1 bulb garlic cloves separated, skin left on}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=2 Lebanese eggplant cut into chunks}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=3 zucchini cut into chunks}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=2 tbsp oregano freshly chopped}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=80 ml olive oil}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1/4 tsp Salt and pepper, to taste}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=2 kg leg of lamb}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1 clove garlic chopped}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=80 ml olive oil}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1 1/2 tbsp fresh oregano}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=2 1/2 tbsp fresh mint chopped}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1/4 tsp Salt and pepper, to taste}]