Ingredients List
Serves 8 people
[{id=48447115836, createdAt=1622994936856, 1='{type=string, value=Glasshouse Tomatoes Served Panzanella-Style}', 2='{type=string, value=2 cut into wedges}', 3='{type=string, value=1 Mix-a-mato® tomatoes all halved}', 4='{type=string, value=4 Baby Cos Heart quartered}', 5='{type=string, value=8 Qukes® baby cucumbers halved lengthways}', 6='{type=string, value=8 quartered and seeds discarded}', 7='{type=string, value=2 cloves garlic crushed}', 8='{type=string, value=1/2 loaf sour dough cut into 2-3cm chunks}', 9='{type=string, value=50 ml extra virgin olive oil}', 10='{type=string, value=30 ml balsamic vinegar}', 11='{type=string, value=18 black olives}', 12='{type=string, value=1 cup basil leaves}', 13='{type=string, value=1 clove garlic crushed}', 14='{type=string, value=1/2 tsp sea salt }', 15='{type=string, value=1/2 tsp Black pepper}', 16='{type=string, value=100 ml extra virgin olive oil }', 17='{type=string, value=30 ml balsamic vinegar}'}]
ingredient_1=2 cut into wedges
ingredient_10=18 black olives
ingredient_11=1 cup basil leaves
ingredient_12=1 clove garlic crushed
ingredient_13=1/2 tsp sea salt
ingredient_14=1/2 tsp Black pepper
ingredient_15=100 ml extra virgin olive oil
ingredient_16=30 ml balsamic vinegar
ingredient_2=1 Mix-a-mato® tomatoes all halved
ingredient_3=4 Baby Cos Heart quartered
ingredient_4=8 Qukes® baby cucumbers halved lengthways
ingredient_5=8 quartered and seeds discarded
ingredient_6=2 cloves garlic crushed
ingredient_7=1/2 loaf sour dough cut into 2-3cm chunks
ingredient_8=50 ml extra virgin olive oil
ingredient_9=30 ml balsamic vinegar
name=Glasshouse Tomatoes Served Panzanella-Style
[{group=UNSET, ingredient=0}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1716334868540}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=0}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=false}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1741062662753}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=70793281}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=2 cut into wedges}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1 Mix-a-mato® tomatoes all halved}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=4 Baby Cos Heart quartered}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=8 Qukes® baby cucumbers halved lengthways}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=8 quartered and seeds discarded}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=2 cloves garlic crushed}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1/2 loaf sour dough cut into 2-3cm chunks}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=50 ml extra virgin olive oil}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=30 ml balsamic vinegar}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=18 black olives}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1 cup basil leaves}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1 clove garlic crushed}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1/2 tsp sea salt}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1/2 tsp Black pepper}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=100 ml extra virgin olive oil}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=30 ml balsamic vinegar}]