Ingredients List
[{id=70448823955, createdAt=1649286487036, updatedAt=1649645795475, 1='{type=string, value=Fresh Raspberry scrolls with Caramilk glaze }', 2='{type=string, value=3 cups (450g) cups bread flour}', 3='{type=string, value=11/2 tsp instant dried yeast }', 4='{type=string, value=1 tsp sea salt flakes}', 5='{type=string, value=2/3 cup (160ml) lukewarm milk}', 6='{type=string, value=11/2 tbs (30ml) pure maple syrup, at room temperature}', 7='{type=string, value=2 eggs, at room temperature}', 8='{type=string, value=85g cold butter, cut into small pieces}', 9='{type=string, value=85g butter, at room temperature [[Raspberry filling]]}', 10='{type=string, value=¾ cup (150g) brown sugar[[Raspberry filling]]}', 11='{type=string, value=2 tsp ground cinnamon[[Raspberry filling]]}', 12='{type=string, value=2x125g Perfection raspberries, plus extra 125g to serve [[Raspberry filling]]}', 13='{type=string, value=90g Caramilk chocolate, chopped[[Glaze]]}', 14='{type=string, value=11/2 tbs (30ml) milk[[Glaze]]}'}]
ingredient_1=3 cups (450g) cups bread flour
ingredient_10=2 tsp ground cinnamon[[Raspberry filling]]
ingredient_11=2x125g Perfection raspberries, plus extra 125g to serve [[Raspberry filling]]
ingredient_12=90g Caramilk chocolate, chopped[[Glaze]]
ingredient_13=11/2 tbs (30ml) milk[[Glaze]]
ingredient_2=11/2 tsp instant dried yeast
ingredient_3=1 tsp sea salt flakes
ingredient_4=2/3 cup (160ml) lukewarm milk
ingredient_5=11/2 tbs (30ml) pure maple syrup, at room temperature
ingredient_6=2 eggs, at room temperature
ingredient_7=85g cold butter, cut into small pieces
ingredient_8=85g butter, at room temperature [[Raspberry filling]]
ingredient_9=¾ cup (150g) brown sugar[[Raspberry filling]]
name=Fresh Raspberry scrolls with Caramilk glaze
[{group=UNSET, ingredient=0}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1716334868540}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=0}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=false}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1741062662753}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=70793281}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=3 cups (450g) cups bread flour}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=11/2 tsp instant dried yeast}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=1 tsp sea salt flakes}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=2/3 cup (160ml) lukewarm milk}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=11/2 tbs (30ml) pure maple syrup, at room temperature}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=2 eggs, at room temperature}, {group=UNSET, ingredient=85g cold butter, cut into small pieces}, {group=Raspberry filling, ingredient=85g butter, at room temperature}, {group=Raspberry filling, ingredient=¾ cup (150g) brown sugar}, {group=Raspberry filling, ingredient=2 tsp ground cinnamon}, {group=Raspberry filling, ingredient=2x125g Perfection raspberries, plus extra 125g to serve}, {group=Glaze, ingredient=90g Caramilk chocolate, chopped}, {group=Glaze, ingredient=11/2 tbs (30ml) milk}]