{id=48441772102, createdAt=1622979192011, updatedAt=1718850177626, path='bambino-range', name='Bambino® Range', 64='{type=string, value=Find out more about our bambino range used to create healthy meals and snacks, read about how these can be used for in your meals today!}', 1='{type=string, value=Bambino Range | Perfection Fresh}', 65='{type=string, value=Bambino Range}', 4='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Vegetables', order=1, label='Vegetables'}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='Cruciferous', order=1, label='Cruciferous'}]}', 7='{type=option, value={id=3, name='big_square', order=2, label='big_square'}}', 8='{type=number, value=600}', 9='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Category', order=1, label='Category'}}', 13='{type=string, value=Baby They're Sweet}', 14='{type=string, value=About Bambino® Range}', 15='{type=string, value=OUR RANGE OF BAMBINO® RANGE}', 16='{type=string, value=Bambino® Sweet Baby Cabbage, Bambino® Baby Brussel Sprouts and Baby Endive Lettuce}', 59='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Category', order=1, label='Category'}}', 60='{type=image, value=Image{width=1400,height=600,url='https://7325363.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7325363/Produce%20Close%20up%20or%20Styled/Brussel-Sprouts--Banner-banner.jpg',altText='Brussel-Sprouts--Banner-banner',fileId=170827090294}}', 61='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=1000,url='https://7325363.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/7325363/Produce%20Close%20up%20or%20Styled/bambino%20range-square-1.jpg',altText='bambino range-square-1',fileId=167689363780}}', 63='{type=number, value=1}'}
Wrapped in a bundle of soft, mellow leaves, you’ll find this delicate Bambino® Wombok Heart is filled with fine sweetness and mild crunch. Its breezy bite will have you looking at your salads and stir-fries with new eyes. Picked in petite single serves, so there’s not a bite left behind.
An addictively crunchy snack with sweet, tender leaves. The white stems also make for a great meal.
Your can store your Baby Wombok in your fridge crisper for up to three weeks.
Serve it raw and shredded in coleslaw, julienned in a crunchy noodle salad, or chopped and wok-fried with bacon.
A great source of dietary fibre for a happy, healthy digestive system. Also packed with vitamin C and folate.