Sweet Globe® green grapes are the crunchiest grapes around.
Sweet Globe® green grapes are refreshing, with a low acidity level making them delectably honey sweet!
More About Sweet Globe® Grapes
Sweet Globe® has a naturally large and oval berry. This grape has a thin skin giving it a very crunchy texture.
Sweet Globe® Grapes Nutritional Facts
Sweet Globe® Grapes Seasonality Chart
These Sweet Grapes are the prefect way to brighten up your Autumn!
With our dedicated growing facilities around the country we can provide a dependable service for affordable produce. Perfection uses a combination of its own growing facilities, farms and 3rd party growers for supplying its customers with Sweet Globe® grapes.
OUR FARMSSweet Globe Grape Storgae
Perfection grapes are best stored in the bag they come in or an airtight container. Rinse and bring to room temperature before eating.
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